Sunday, February 10, 2013

The reunion crowd is growing, we stand at 118 found of the 315 1963 alums. Folks are excited about getting together to celebrate 50 years of character building after high school. Maybe not so surprising, only 8 of those found have expressed no desire to go to a reunion of such upstanding citizens as ourselves.

The latest info has been posted on the facebook page and the website so everybody can plan accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. My WCHS Yearbooks (I had all four) never made it through my 2nd marriage. It would be a first class hoot if others would bring their yearbooks to the Reunion. I'd love to flip through the pages after all these years - wearing white cotton or surgical latex gloves if necessary.

    My '63 to '67 Cal Poly Pomona Yearbooks suffered a similar fate. Oh well.
