Friday, January 25, 2013

The Found list of classmates for Reunion '63 is now up to 77. I had to move Thomas back over to the Lost list as earlier reports proved wrong. Commins is checking out the latest lead, however.

Today is a banner day for finding folks from West Covina High School's Class of 1963:
With Bill Kouri sending in 7 classmate contacts; Blanton, Batten, Ahlstrand, Day and Cash, Harrison, Hamm. And more still coming in!
And Warren and Joanne Schifini today completing yeoman work finding and alerting classmates to the reunion. They subscribed to and Classmates and left a note about the reunion with each classmate on those sites! The Schifini's have insured that we will have a stream of classmates checking in from now on.

Sadly, two classmates, Anthony Arroyo and Barbara Mason, were added to the "In Memory" page. It was reported that they passed away several years ago.

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